“We don’t actually smoke weed,” says Joel Stanley
That's your first BIG RED FLAG right there. Calling it weed, and acting like they don't need it or want it, or use it for their own...
Early Christians and the Anointing Hut
"The medical use of cannabis during that time is supported by archaeological records" Chris Bennet Archeologist Anyone who is capable of...
Cannabis & Diet: A Holistic Lifestyle
Many people discover Cannabis as a first step in a long road towards Holistic Oriented Living. Many people realize the curative nature...
Activism Letter: De-Schedule Cannabis!
The recent hearing of testimony in a Sacramento Court by Judge Kimberly J. Mueller regarding the current scheduling of Cannabis has...
Cannabis = Hemp / Hemp = Cannabis
We need to remind the United States Federal Government that Cannabis is plant with many varieties and Hemp is just one of many varieties....
Doobie Duck Inspires Canna Clatch - Citizen Journalism
Doobie Duck is a fantastic grass-roots photographer and creative in Northern California that specializes in Cannabis-related photography...
Self Immolation by Veterans - When Will It Catch On?
With Veterans Day 2014 coming up, we have to start to come to grips with the sad reality of our culture ignoring the epidemic of suicide...
Vaporizing Your Cannabinoids "Like a BOSS"
Canna Clatch is very proud to endorse the U.S. engineered and built Herbalizer Smart Vape Device. Canna Clatch supports vaporization as a...
54.8 percent majority win VERSUS 58 percent
54.8 percent majority win VERSUS 58 percent 54.8% of Oregon Voters enacted a legalization measure for Cannabis. This is called a...
The United States Government Owns A Patent…..
People the world over are coming out of the woodwork with their success stories regarding cannabis. Israel is pushing forward with their...