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Activism Letter: De-Schedule Cannabis!

The recent hearing of testimony in a Sacramento Court by Judge Kimberly J. Mueller regarding the current scheduling of Cannabis has spurred many Cannabis Activists to sit down and write a letter to this fine Judge about their personal success stories with Cannabinoids.

Canna Clatch also took the time to this. And so can you.

Please address your letters to:

United States District Judge Kimberly J. Mueller (KJM) -

Robert T. Matsui United States Courthouse

501 I Street

Sacramento, CA 95814

Courtroom 3, 15th floor

Canna Clatch Sends Cannabis Activism Letter to Judge.jpg

Here was our letter:

Dear District Judge Kimberly J. Mueller,

It is with great joy that I found out that your court was hearing testimony to the curative nature of the Cannabis plant. The current scheduling has caused undo harm and suffering upon the citizenry of our great nation and you can play a major role in righting the injustices brought on by the executive and legislative branches of our historically corrupt and industry-pandered government.

Thank you first and foremost for taking the time to hear the testimony of the professionals that were brought forward to state the case for and against the various beneficial properties of the Cannabis plant. Thank you secondly for taking the time to read my personal testimony.

Cannabis is made up of thousands of subvariants that range from industrial fibrous plants, to short stubby leafy plants and humans have found endless benefits to the many properties these plants possess. Our human anatomy has an Endo-Cannabinoid receptor system that has been scientifically shown to modulate the other various systems within our bodies. When we ingest this herb in to our bodies, several specific receptors are activated and further increase the modulation of our other bodily systems. Whether eaten, smoked, absorbed through the rectum or epidermis, we are immediately offered a sense of greater wellbeing, decreased physical pain and tension, and a noticeable decrease in the sense of anxiety that can many time stay with us all of our lives.

My diagnosis was of an auto-immune system disorder at a very young age. The modern medical establishment prescribes organ harming anti-inflammatories, and addictive narcotic based pain killers with a regiment of surgeries to deal with the severe pain, severe tension, and abnormal bone growth.

With the use of Cannabinoids, through vaporization, ingestion and topical salves, I am able to forego completely any costly and harmful treatment given by rheumatologists and bone surgeons. Severe chronic pain and tension also carries with it the challenge of being severely depressed or anxiety-ridden and Cannabinoids offer a natural, non-habit forming way to sleep, feel more bliss-full while awake, and to quell anxiety before it becomes dangerous to our bodies. Cannabis allows me to sleep, reduce bodily tension, and induce appetite whenever I require it. I can cook it in my food or vaporize it at a very specific temperature to activate specific Cannabinoids for my specific needs.

There are many people with very severe chronic, life-threatening health issues that are much more severe than my own, that also benefit from the use of concentrated oil extractions from the Cannabis plant. Cancer has been put in to remission, autism put at bay, and PTSD and ADHD that are so common in our society are helped very easily with a simple home extraction remedy.

Please, Judge Mueller, help to completely DESCHEDULE Cannabis so that many millions more Americans will take the leap to try Cannabis and cultivate it for their own ailments and challenges while at the same time, ending the incarceration and entrapment that has adversely affected many thousands of peaceful citizens and their families.

Cannabis’ history is shrouded in racism, xenophobia, government and industry nepotism, and a mass-propaganda program by the U.S. Government to demonize “marihuana” when Cannabis and hemp has always been a co-evolutionary partner to humans.

Please help to bring the most impactful increase in justice that has been brought about since the creation of the U.S. Constitution, please help to bring Cannabis back to the common citizen as a personal freedom to practice your own spirituality and cultivate well-being and personal health.

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