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PROJECT: Digital Publishing Studio and Hashish Cafe

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The European cultural epicenter known as the "Salon" will likely becoming back in to fashion as we move towards universal emancipation of cannabis and with this project, a public space that integrates all of the historical aspects of what was engeandered in the 1800's: "A salon is a gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host. They are generally defined as a cultural event linked to literature, art or discussion. Historically, salons are associated with French literary and philosophical movements of the 17th and 18th centuries."

This facility project will encompass a standard eatery and cafe, with additional resources for professional and local events and incorporates a professional digital publishing studio for supporting the region's independent artists and thought leaders.

This format of business is ready for various regions around the world and focuses on bringing a synergy between coffee, tea, fine baked goods, organic farm to table recipes, and a fresh rosin pressing station for people to order either fresh squeezed hashish or order a preserved and aged form of traditionally processed resin, knows as bubble hash or sift.

This project has been partially budgeted with cost analysis and general profit scheme. Schedule of profitability is in the 2.5-5.5 year range and there are many add-on values that can shorten that schedule depending on trajectory of National Emancipation of Cannabis with branded products.

This project is in need of:

Real Estate Consultant

Business Development Manager

Project Managers




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