Dear Cannabis Community!
I'm Tom Pamelia and I'm a writer currently living in Northern Oregon who has had a personal blog on the subject of cannabis, liberty, entheogens, and philosophy called CANNA CLATCH : ALTRUISTIC STRAINHUNTERS and it is my pleasure to introduce a project that could help change the face of cannabis culture in America for the better using video.
I am a disabled person, born with a highly impacting congenital disorder that creates tension in my soft tissue and bone spurs in my joints. Almost all of the people who are diagnosed with my disorder are on pharmacuetical drugs and live on full disability. I have bucked the trend by educating myself regarding the folk medicines involved with cannabis and have been a patient in the Oregon Medical program since 2011 and have not had a prescription throughout my adult life at 37 years old even though I'm eligible for full federal disability.
The project I hinted at above would consist of me being embedded in to various cannabis communities, farms, coops, and environments so that I can cover them first person using the tried and true gonzo journalism style made popular by the late Hunter S. Thompson. I am moderately well known in my region of Oregon from being in the activist trenches in Oregon as we transitioned into recreational cannabis in our state and have contacts throughout Southern Oregon and am hoping to branch out into Northern California and south from there. I am a farm kid from the 80's and am familiar with agriculture of all sorts, including husbandry and permaculture.
I am an experienced grower and hash maker and can converse with cultivators wherever their skill level is at. I have a background in IT Security as well as data systems and am capable of conversing with cannabis people with little or nor technical ability or with people with tremendous technical experience. I enjoy technical subjects and enjoy furthering my understanding of obscure subjects that I feel are going to be integral to the future of cannabis (ie. blockchain, bio-thermal, solar offset, among others).
This project would send me through various cannabis environments so that I can capture the people, the processes, the technology, the small details that give everything meaning and substance and character. I would like to cover the rich personalities and distinguished skill sets that are all throughout the cannabis community. I would like to talk to people about their self ideation with cannabis and their self awareness and sense of themselves with cannabis.
Video I believe is the most transformative art form of our era and as it stands, no entity or person is out making 100% heartfelt and authentic cannabis content, that comes from the various places where cannabis is being dealt with. With the right production and editing team, I believe a series could be produced that would open the eyes of many millions of people to the humane nature of cannabis and the truth that it is available to everyone for cultivation, consumption and higher levels of wellbeing.
Many people like to use the term "normalization" but really, the most valuable gift that a heartfelt video series could provide for the American people is "re-familiarization" with cannabis and an understanding that the people who are involved in it are just regular, loving humans, no different than anyone else.
Cannabis culture is tremendously diverse and this is one aspect of my series I would like to focus on and as more topics present themselves in the moment, I will cover those too - additional topics along the way that I would integrate - Tiny House Living and Urban Exodus, Permaculture and Eco-Altruism, Organic and Sustainable Horticulture, Off-Gridding and Homesteading, Cooperatives, Vertical Integrations, and Partnerships.
I do not partake in the hard drugs and trashed hotel rooms like Hunter S Thompson and I've never been to Vegas nor do I ever plan on visiting. I am far more congenial and easy to be around and this makes me a natural for opening people up for interviews and having honest discussions on camera. I personally have only used alcohol recreationally and very rarely drink. I eat hashish daily and use it for my physical challenges as well as my spiritual evolution.
I am completely mobile and have a budget write-up ready for any production house that would like to finance this project, I expect the 2018 growing season to be one of the biggest on record and with California moving it's infrastructure to recreational industry from medical non-profit, it's sure to be a fertile place to embed myself and get a ground-level perspective.
If you have a story to offer, a place to host me, or are a publication house seeking a spokesperson, frontman, or host, I would love to chat with you regarding your concept or creative idea.
I look forward to hearing from you and would love any ideas on how I can improve or expand this project to make it even more paradigm shifting for our country.
Tom Pamelia