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Canna Clatch was established within the medical community of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program and was not able to exist under new laws that were enacted under "legalization". Consumption, private enterprise, private mercantilism were all made highly risky by laws pertaining to Proposition 91. Canna Clatch could not operate in the open so the SevenTen SpeakEasy was created to offer a relative buffer of safety to event hosts, coordinators, and attendees. Everything has gone smoothly, an event has never been challenged or infiltrated.

There are three basic levels of participation for events and they have to do with your relationship to the plant and to the community at large. You can ask to be invited to any type of event but if you only ask to be put on the email list, you will only be invited to public socials and not Canna Clatches nor SevenTen SpeakEasies.

Public Socials (Invites everyone on the email list) - all invites are referred to as #Cannasapiens and have the most superficial understanding of Canna Clatch or may not have any familiarity at all. Public Socials may not have any format nor decorum and are usually free and invites can show up without a guest.

Canna Clatch (Invites Altruistic StrainHunters and SevenTen Peasants) - all invites are referred to as #AltruisticStrainHunters and have either attended a Canna Clatch before, or have been invited by an existing Altruistic StrainHunter. A Canna Clatch has a specific decorum and has a three segment format where education takes place in the beginning with an exihibition or presentation. The second segment is experiential and incorporates tasting and smelling of various cannabis related items, foods, and combinations thereof. The third segment is movement-based and has to do with live music or a DJ and dancing.

SevenTen SpeakEasy (Invites SeventTen Peasants Only) - all invites are referred to as #SevenTenPeasants and have either attended a Canna Clatch in the past, or have been invited by an existing SevenTen Peasant. SevenTen SpeakEasies are events that follow a format and decorum similar to a Canna Clatch but are for individuals found to have the suitable nature and relationship to the plant to be able to keep community with the larger body of adults known as SevenTen Peasants. At base, peasants are historically known to remain closest to the earth and the production-side of a societal spectrum and as a result, are not victim to societal inculterations that have victimized urban and suburban humans. SevenTen is an allegory for "Oil" and as most experienced humans understand, the cannabis plant is rich with oils that give abundantly, yet we are locked in a petrochemical era - dominated by oil of another sort - made peasants by barons and bankers.

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