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Perpetuating Propaganda

The Altruistic StrainHunters Try To Bring Some Context to Our Reality

Hold Your Fellow Cannabis Advocate Accountable

How many times have you questioned everything you know? How many times have you read something that goes counter to what you understand, and it creates a painful static within your head? This is called cognitive dissonance and it should be a major part of any reasonable human's daily routine. Reality is strange and we all have to accept that each one of our realities is unto itself unique and no two people view the same phenomenon the same way. This is proven.

When it comes to cannabis, we've seen the world over, several propaganda strategies offered to demonize the plant, or its constituent compound THC. Entheogens as a group have been ostracized by churches, governments, and social organizations that self label themselves as "medical". We've observed plenty of industry nepotism and rackets of control created by the subversion of the cannabis plant to hinder its widespread adaptation for industrial, nutritional, medicinal, and spiritual uses by humans. In the Americas and across Western Europe, a cultural renaissance is occurring through the renewed adaptation of cannabis for personal therapeutic uses and expansion of understanding of the human endo-cannabinoid system is tearing down old walls of dogmatism and people everywhere are trading in old opinions and understandings, for new information and new positions.

This cultural renaissance will inspire a new crossroads for naturopathy and permaculture as it applies to contemporary living arrangements and the de-urbanization of the United States and other countries where private land ownership is still common. Cannabis will be recognized as a tremendous tool for sovereignty and independence and people will associate the idea of being able to grow medicine and food without infringement….with the major lynch-pin and revelation being that we can use cannabis bio-aggregates to build literally anything and to a higher standard than lumber and concrete. People will arrive at the notion that capturing sunlight and rainwater while living in a small sustainable structure with a large greenhouse will be far more natural and invigorating than any current context for farming, urbanization, or suburbanization. The potential for cultural shift due to the building opportunities alone should bring about a human change that will be compared to the "Industrial Revolution". This will be dubbed the "Green Revolution".

This leads us to the current need to upgrade our argument and understanding so that we don't accidentally parrot propaganda that has been offered from various sources that do not have our best interest at heart. This is particularly true when speaking to the subject of cannabis emancipation. The plant comes in many different variations and most all of them are going to mature containing some level of THCa in them. This THCa has an (a) on it to differentiate it from the THC that is implicated in REEFER MADNESS propaganda for it's euphoriant nature. This "acidic" form of THC is non-psychoactive and this is why you can feed a whole garden full of mature female plants to your herd of goats and they will thank you and continue their day as they would have otherwise.

This is where we need to discard the arbitrary dialectic known as "MARIJUANA VS HEMP".

The moment anyone does any significant research on the wide body of genetics within the cannabis family, you realize that almost everything matures with THCa to some varying degree and that temperature, latitude, altitude, growing medium and moon phase all have impacts on how a plant will create its compound ratios. This arbitrary definition of "HEMP" came by the hand of the Supra & Federal Government and when any significant research is done, you realize that "HEMP" can come from many different plants. Applying some definition of ratio of compounds arbitrarily to create an almost impossible context for which to cultivate hardy and usable cannabis variants was the plan from the beginning. The notion that "MARIHUANA" is an intoxicant, or moreover, a narcotic was an integral part of postulating that "HEMP" is differentiated from "MARIJUANA".

Your research may lead you to understand that "MARIJUANA", within the United States, is a pejorative and an ethnophaulism. The early machinations of the DEA consisted of men with astutely bigoted and racist attitudes and they've created arbitrary definitions and fabricated contexts for which to demonize a simple plant while making public statements implicating minorities and their cultural adaptations of said plant.

"MARIJUANA/MARIHUANA" was not part of the American lexicon before the beginning of the 20th century even though there was tremendous usage of cannabis for medicinal and therapeutic purposes.

Your research may lead you to understand that cannabis is always "HEMP" but "HEMP" is not always cannabis. Hemp can come from flax, bamboo, ramie, kenaf, and jute and has become a catch-all for any bast fiber plant that renders fibers for material that we use for "industrial purposes". You have to do some reading to understand that we make industrial hemp from many sources and cannabis is making a comeback to be the preeminent source for bast and hurd material that we're learning more and more uses for. Bio-aggragates and nano-technology and polymers are going to change our lives for the better over next few decades and this stem material found within the cannabis plant is going to be at the center of everything.

Many within the legalization advocacy trumpet the claim that "HEMP HAS CBD AND MARIJUANA HAS THC". These are the first people we need to reach out to and offer the E-book Library we offer so that they can stop perpetuating propaganda they learned long ago in grade school. In various locations in the United States, CBD-only legislation has been passed and brought forth and this sort of fascist aggrandizement of the plant is neither forgivable nor engendering of the philosophy of equal rights for all that makes up the framework of our society.

This "HEMP VS MARIJUANA" dialectic is the NUMBER 1 reason veterans are committing suicide and children are suffering from epilepsy and seniors are suffering from cancer and neuro-degenerative disease. Doing research on the subject of medicinal properties of cannabis and you realize very quickly the implications for having prohibition linger in the minds of people who call themselves "legalization activists" or "medical marijuana advocates" because they haven't offered themselves a true distinction of reality because the cognitive dissonance is too painful.


The other major disservice that laypeople make about cannabis is the parroting of the Sativa vs Indica dialectic. This has been a known issue in the taxonomic world as well as the etymological world and people who have spent time working with landraces, hybrids, poly-hybrids all have realized that our current understanding of the wide-ranging family of cannabis will be totally turned on it's head once tissue culture testing can be utilized across all continents and a single database is collated.

Currently, we're seeing marketing and activism sources trumpet this broken lexicon of what cannabis is, what it does, and how it's varying properties affect the human organism. This "over-simplification" is seen everywhere that marketing and propaganda is being utilized and cannabis has been a long-term victim of mis-marketing. We need to give more specific understanding of "chemotyping" and the factors that play towards "phenotyping" and cannabis advocates need to understand the difference between a strain and a phenotype.

In the book "Cannabis - Evolution & Ethnobotany" (2013 Clarke, Robert, Merlin, Mark) much evidence has been offered to substantiate that we're totally screwed up thinking there's only three main types of cannabis. This oversimplification over decades has been troublesome but the most troublesome aspect of this dialectic is that the Latin term "Sativa" translates as "cultivated" and there are many other plants that carry this term. Sativa as it relates to a specific chemotype of cannabis is not fitting and a more broad use of the term sativa should be used to designate that there are really two types of cannabis: "WILD" and "TAME". Sativa is a fantastic term for designating any phenotypes that humans have interfaced with and cultivated….however it only makes sense to use the term "SATIVUM" since it is the neutral aspect of the word. "SATIVA" is the female aspect and this of course only works for the construct of sinsimilla horticulture of cannabis - something that wasn't even know to exist at the time "SATIVA" was applied to the taxonomical categorization of cannabis.


This is the end of the usefulness of the term "Sativa" and we can discard it completely from our lexicon of cannabis so that we can adopt a more granular nomenclature that represents our more granular understanding of the plant. One version of cannabis is "wild" and the other has been "harnessed".

In "Cannabis - Evolution & Ethnobotany", the authors posit that our usage of "Cannabis Afghanica" vs "Cannabis Indica" makes for a basis to work from within the narrow family of "DRUG" cannabis. Further granularity can be designated with geographical naming constructs and a discarding of the (D) = DRUG vs (ND) = NON-DRUG nomenclature due to the understanding that all cannabinoids have medicinal or therapeutic properties, they simply need to be discovered. CBD is a great example of this major issue with using the term "drug" to designate something and not something else. Ironically, Latin words to designate the cannabis strains that have been cultivated "SATIVA" or "All-Female" are "Antidote" and "Ambrosia". One possible construct that could be implemented is BLD=BLA and NLD=NLA in an attempt to get away from the pejorative "DRUG" that makes no sense to use based on a single cannabinoid that we're not sure yet if it is the only one that is psychoactive to any measurable amount.

Using the Clarke-Merlin ideology, any cannabis that has been cultivated for its resinous inflourescence that exudes the current physical characteristics denoted as "SATIVA" can now be referred to as INDICA as it relates to the subcontinent of INDIA and the Indian side of the Himalayas.

Using the Clarke-Merlin ideology, any cannabis that has been cultivated for its resinous inflourescence that exudes the current physical characteristics denoted as "INDICA" can now be referred to as AFGHANICA (with some preferring the less westernized Kafiristanica or Kapistanica) that refers to the high elevation geographical areas of the Hindu Kush traditionally referred to as Kashmir. These have broad leafs and short maturing periods.

The categorization of what is now "Ruderalis" will need much more granular designation as well and many people have pointed out that the distinct nature of auto-flowering cannabis has to be brought to the fore-front. A specific question we need to ask is whether cannabis, when allowed to go back to it's feral-self, does it begin to auto-flower or will it always maintain its photo-sensitive nature? Regardless of this answer, "CANNABIS SPONTANEA" is a fantastic way to refer to any cannabis that exhibits auto-flowering characteristics. Using geographical-based names beyond this would makes sense - many attribute this plants origins to be Siberia and upper Asia.

Curiously, when you come back to the subject of "HEMP" as it applies to the more "Industrial" version of CANNABIS SATIVUM, a very interesting name comes from Latin to denote a plant that industrially useful - "Divincio". This term could be used as a formal blanket for the cannabis strains that have been bred for one of the many industrial resources cannabis has been historically known for. This would make two major families of CANNABIS SATIVUM:



This brings us back to our original topic - cognitive dissonance and the nature of adopting something that goes against what you've understood and utilized up until this point of discovery. Even when you work through your own cognitive dissonance, you still have to decide whether to apply this new lexicon among people who haven't even researched the subject and are happy perpetrating propaganda and parroting oversimplified clichés. Entheogens tend to spurn humans to think for themselves, and when cannabis is used consciously by humans, we tend to be less ardent in maintaining subversive habits and can work to change our personal understanding as our wider understanding of this plant expands and gains depth. Words frame the discussion, activism starts from this fundamental premise.


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