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The cannabis industry is a over-regulated mucky-muck of self-appointed first adopters who have very little understanding of the massive overhead of time and aggravation it takes to be a long term success in an industry where regulations and policy changes with the weather. 

Compliance consulting, property and resource vetting and due diligence, business planning, business writing, efficiency assessment, industry analyzation and forecasting, meeting arbitration, diplomacy between private and public parties, arbitration between private parties, land-use arbitration, land-use planning, secret shopper analyzation of retail, forensic analyzation of production, efficiency assessment and aesthetic review of retail, lounge, or other public facing business, speech writing, investment deck writing, financial summary assessment are a few of the areas of cannabis and business-start-ups that I have depth of experience in and am happy to assist with. 

I also have a background in digital publishing, IT Networking and Systems, Program Management, and am comfortable with speech-writing, public speaking, large-group training, video monologue, as well as video editing, social networking, website creation and management, as well as online retail systems. 

My number one priority is ending the drug war, the pre-eminent civil rights issue of our times and am happy to volunteer my time to organizations who have speaking, writing, or video roles that help spread truth regarding cannabis' never-beginning, and never-ending story as humankind's partner plant. Fiber, Food, Fuel, Health, and Awareness are ours to embrace and if numerous glacial maximums haven't been successful in eradicating cannabis, why are prohibitionist humans so arrogant?

Please contact me with any inquires - please check out my blog, website, video-conference -roundtable podcast, and social networking profiles.

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1993 - 2011


I worked from the age 13 through 30 working for other people - including Amish Family Cooperatives, Dairy Farms, Catalogue Gift Company, Electronics Retailer, and High-Tech Computer Company as well as Technology Engineering Company.  Please have a look at my "pre-cannabis resume" that covers my work experience from my eartly teens through 2011.  

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My dog and I are inseparable and so many of my hobbies are dog-centric, like martial arts, qigong, hiking, road trips, beach fiestas, and relaxing in the garden with the healing partner plants.  I enjoy music a great deal and always have ambient tunes going.  I enjoy chinese tea, reading copiously, photography and video documentation projects as well as playing in adobe creative suite with photos or video, and most of all I enjoy international travel, eating new food, and meeting new people, and learning about new cultures first hand.  


2009 - PRESENT


2009 was the year that I joined the OMMP and began my journey learning the various areas of understanding around cannabis.  2013, I began consulting professionally as dispensaries began being regulated, I have almost 10 steady years of cannabis ecosystem experience.

[ LINK ]

2018 marks over seven (7) years officially working in the cannabis ecosystem.  Truthfully, and this is off the record, my experience branches back a bit further in informal experience with the community known as "OMMP" which stands for Oregon Medical Marijuana Program.  I have used cannabis for over 25 years now as a 37 year old and I owe it to this plant, and the Oregon Medical Cannabis Community, that I am able to enjoy such a high quality of life, devoid of any pharmaceutical prescriptions whatsoever - a highly unlikely statistical possibility given my diagnosis - almost 100% of adults with my physical disorder are on some sort of narcotic, NSAID, as well as SSRIs.  I officially joined the state patient registry in 2009 but had already been interfacing with many of the most experienced and knowledgeable people  in the Oregon medical community before then. 


Back in the beginning, I realized quickly that what I understood about cannabis was extremely little and that there is no substitute for working directly with the plant around highly knowledgeable and experienced people when it comes to learning the various intricacies and complexities of one of the most sophisticated organisms on the planet .  I learned quickly that learning through osmosis is a sure way to become proficient without "doing it the hard way first".  My aptitude is one of my strongest qualities and the cannabis plant has been an amazing teacher, one that I could live many times over and never be a "master grower". 


Since launching my small business support company "Prevailing Plant", I have had some of the most unique experiences I could have ever asked for.  Many were trying, almost all were educational, but certainly all were formative.  I have been able to help small businesses with specific projects or "log jams" that they have encountered.  I found many companies being open to having an extra layer of "IT Guy" confirmation on what is being used so that private or critical information doesn't get compromised in some way.  Many wanted "New Tech Solutions" to things many other companies where slugging along with no managed solution for at all (communication, client management, resource sharing, enhanced meeting management). 


 Most overridingly, its been rewarding providing property and facility scouting and due diligence for regulatory compliance and rating reports on specific geographies as well as specific buildings and "complexes".  This is a very crucial step for new entrepreneurs in the cannabis space, as well as for serial entrepreneurs who are on their newest adventure; I have found "property surprises" to be the number one road to ruin for a new, shiny business deal even for experienced organizations with multiple people assigned to property vetting.  My upbringing on a farm, building things has now become a major layer of innate experience that I bring to my consulting services, scouting properties from a farmers, growers, or from a builders perspective is a great SOP for finding faults in anything you analyze. 


I look forward to a new year, full of new projects, new clients, and new horizons to reach for.  What I enjoy most about being a part of this "cannabis thing" we are building, is that it has a lot to do with this "American thing" we are building and some people get to call it an industry, others get to call it a community, while others get to call it a criminality.  What's true in all of these assessments is that it's a thing, and we either build it, or it gets weaponized and consumerized  like everything else in the world. 


I make my efforts count, and I make my efforts count towards helping cannabis become emancipated of it's plantistic demagogue status and give each individual cannabis plant access to each individual human - 1x1, 1x1, 1x1 until everyone finds the strain, dosage, and medium that befits their body, mind, and spirit.  It will likely be a family of strains, as it seems intelligent beings like company, and so we continue in ensemble. 

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References, personal and professional are available upon request.


My LinkedIN profile is also full of additional accredations and edorsements by past colleagues and clients. 

  • LinkedIn - White Circle
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"In the time that I managed Thomas his level of professionalism and customer service never wavered. He was always willing to learn new things, and go above and beyond to help an end-user in need."

"Thomas has provided very professional suport for our company. His biggest asset is his enthusiastic personality and ability to work with clients making them feel he would resolve their problem quickly. I was sorry to see him leave."

"Thomas was a diligent and focused employee who always had a 'Get it Done' attitude. His teammates and I appreciated his great personality and sense of customer service. I would definitely recommend Thomas as a star employee and feel confident he would be a wonderful addition to any team."

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This list is in no particular order and is not exhaustive

Client / Vendor Management

Selling / Product Penetration

Currier & Delivery


Reviewer / Assessment


Tour Guide / Event Planning 

Administration / Client Intake


Regulation / Inspection

Web & Software

Dispensary Management

Growing / Farming

Cloning & de-Seeding

Staff & Product Training

Business Consulting

Meeting Management

Digital Publishing & Video Streaming

Information Technology & Teleconferencing

Customer Service (Manager)

Retail Sales (Manager)

Packaging / Distribution

Businesss Operations Managment

Naturopathic & Homeopathic Health

Cannabis as Medicine & Ingestion

Edible Creator

Concentrate Processor

Marketing Stategy and Product Awareness

Graphic Design & Marketing & Brand Development

Social Networking / Brand Management

Photography & Videography

Business Writing

Market Analysys

3rd Party Arbitration

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© January 2018  Created Under the Influence of Cannabis

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